Wedding Videography Archives - LNC Photography

CategoryWedding Videography

When it comes to planning for the wedding day, the list seems to be endless. The most important part of the wedding is the couple and the way they have been captured through photographic lenses. However planning for a wedding requires an excellent event manager, perfect florist, catering services, beautiful wedding dresses, jewelries, and most importantly a wedding...
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Every couple would be excited to get married and have a great grand wedding Photoshoot. It is very commonly said that couples wish to dress up like the king and queen and get beautifully dressed up as hero and heroine on their great grand wedding day this has been a trend in wedding photography Chennai...
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What is a Camera? A camera is a device through which visual images are captured in the form of photographs, films, or Videos. In olden days photographers used reel cameras to capture wedding photographs.  Today as the world is changing digitally, all the photographers do a lot of surveys before buying the camera.  The current...
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A wedding is a ceremony where two people choose to share vow to spend life together titled “Marriage“. In many Indian cultures, a wedding is celebrated in different ways, some celebrate it for a day and others celebrate it for a week.  Today social distancing and huge gathering are restricted due to the disease caused...
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